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Genesis Employment Corporation
Contact: Angie Pittman
Address:16 Prince William Drive
P.O Box 399
Placentia, NL
A0B 2Y0
Genesis Employment Corporation has been operating in the Placentia area since 1997. They provide an invaluable service both to clientele and business community alike. Genesis’ mandate is to find, secure and maintain employment for individuals with disabilities in the Placentia\Cape Shore catchment area through supported Employment model.
genesis, and its provincial network-Supported Employment NL has been leading the way in supported employment for over 25 years. Many other provinces continually look to NL for guidance and best practices.
On a local level Genesis employs 3 core staff, 15 job coaches in different places in the community and serves a client base of 60+ individuals. They are governed by a board of directors.
Inclusive workplaces help to create inclusive communities.